Christel House India – Bangalore (CHIB) has initiated a weekend career coaching program for their graduates. Alumni receive assistance, guidance, and encouragement in their job search efforts. Professionals from a variety of work backgrounds, including Christel House graduates, lead the counseling sessions.
The program is held every other Saturday to allow for the most participation from graduates. The sessions have proven popular with alumni with an average of 45 grads in attendance. The sessions are tailored to the needs, level, and course of study of the Christel House graduates. Interview training, discussions of work ethics, researching skills, note-taking methods, resource management, email writing etiquette, and work prioritization are some of subjects covered during the sessions. Sindhu Kumari, a 2012 Christel House graduate, is now working as a Senior Executive in the human resources department at KPMG. She has been a presenter at the weekend seminar. “I consider this as an excellent opportunity to give back to my school,” she says. “Moreover, being a Christel House alumna myself, I believe we can influence and motivate our juniors and make a great difference.”