Christel House India CEO Jaison Mathew had long wanted to improve the acoustics in the Bangalore school’s A/V room. He turned to students for a solution. Enterprising members of the 11th and 12th grade classes joined with art teacher Dhanaraj Keezhara to create a fix.
"We were able to apply our research-based knowledge of sound reflection and absorption to a create a 3D design,” explains 12th grade student Pooja P. “It was an integration of science and art.” The students researched materials and design strategies that reduce noise pollution and echoes. Then they used their artistic talents to brainstorm a result that would not only resolve the issue but add a pleasing visual element to the room. In just two weeks they designed and executed a 3D wall installation created with sound dampening boards and foam. A group of Christel House India parents lent their skills helping students cut and package the acoustic artwork. It was truly a community effort. The abstract wall mural is titled ‘The Sounds of Waves’ and has successfully reduced echoes. Dhanaraj shared his favorite part of the project: “The blending of art and science has both inspired and motivated the students.”