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Entrepreneurs graduate in first of its kind class in India

An entrepreneur is defined as a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks to do so. 39 students at Christel House India – Bangalore were given a unique opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship as part of a pilot learning program between Christel House India and Udhyam Learning Foundation.

The six-week course was a combination of classroom study and more practical, hands-on field work. Over 60% of the student time was outside the school as students, with their instructors, traveled to various companies and start-ups to observe, ask questions and participate.

The students celebrated the course completion with a graduation ceremony. All were enthusiastic about the experience. Learning how to work as a team was a key take-a-way for the 12th grade students. They also shared how they were able to take classroom learning and put it to practical use. All the students agreed that grit and determination are important qualities that an entrepreneur must possess in order to be successful. Teachers noted that the kids displayed a much higher level of self-confidence, awareness and determination after the course. Students will receive follow-up training and mentorship sessions every month. The program organizers will make adjustments based on the student feedback so that it will have an even greater impact on the next participants. Plans are to make it a regular program and integrate it into the curriculum.

Meet  Maldren, an amazing success story and graduate of Christel House India by clicking here.

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