Our students’ health and wellness is a priority. Through a collaboration with M.S. Ramaiah Medical College & Hospital, a leading medical institution in Bangalore, regular medical examinations are provided. Because it is difficult to ascertain their immunization status, all children are immunized according to WHO standards. Newly enrolled students undergo a particularly rigorous physical exam, since many suffer from malnutrition and other ailments. Generally within a year of receiving proper nutrition and healthcare, students quickly rebound.
Breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack with milk are served daily, and provide more than 80% of a child’s caloric needs since most students do not receive proper nutrition at home. Many of our children do not have access to soap and running water at home. Christel House provides showers and a laundry where uniforms are washed and ironed weekly. A robust Physical Education program promotes health and wellness, and several of our children have received awards for their athletic prowess at the Annual Interstate Athletic Competitions.
Our whole world changed when our child was admitted to Christel House. She is getting the best education—and food.