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Concert to benefit Christel House India raises more than $52,000 to support kids in Bangalore

Christel House hosted “An Evening Celebrating Christel House India,” on September 20, 2014, near Christel House International's headquarters in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Danish Punjabi singer Anita Lerche and the Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre had the audience dancing in the aisles to help support our students!

Archana’s inspiration

At the event, we had the privilege of introducing Archana, one of 1,300 students at Christel House India – Bangalore who is thriving and pursuing her dreams. See Archana’s inspiring story. And share it with a friend.

Amazing impact!

More than 260 people attended the concert, and guests’ generous gifts totaled more than $52,000. That’s enough to fund a whole class of Christel House India students for a year. There’s still time to make a difference in the lives of students like Archana. Please consider making a secure, online gift today.
Your dollars could cover the cost of all Christel House services (education, food, health care, transportation, uniforms and more) for one Christel House India – Bangalore student for…

$1,660 – One year
$138 – One month
$32 – One week

You can still celebrate with us

Experience the song, dance and fun of our India celebration. Enjoy the above video and see photos of the event.

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